Luna's island

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

2008 et l'amour

L'été est, c'est bien connu, réputé pour être la saison des vacances, du soleil, de la plage, du farniente, des voyages, des veillées interminables, des boîtes avec le passage de grands DJs, des festivals...mais également des fiançailles, khotba, mariage, voyages de noces, lunes de miel, naissances...

Et il semblerait que cette année soit particulièrement favorable à l'amour et aux ne sais si cette constation est générale ou seulement mienne parce que ça touche à beaucoup de membres de mon n'empêche que je la considère comme particulièrement bonne et favorable à toutes les victimes de cupidon :-)

Tous les moyens sont bons pour rencontrer son âme soeur...première sortie, première discussion, premier baiser, premier fou rire, première dispute, première réconciliation ...

On aborde toutes sortes de relation se solidifie, les coeurs s'enchainent, les liens se cré vient alors le sujet du mariage...les familles se rencontrent...IL demande sa main en s'ensuivent alors tous les préparatifs...Il semblerait que ce soit beaucoup de travail et de pré plupart des filles que je connaisse s'y consacre entièrement...chaque minute de libre est consacrée aux fameuses courses...

J'ai d'ailleurs demandé à mes copines qu'elles fassent une liste de tout ce qu'il faudrait au moins faire ou acheter...que ça serve aux autres...partisane du moindre effort? non, mais pourquoi ne pas profiter de l'expérience des unes pour gagner du temps?...le temps c'est de l'argent non et on ne fait que courir après ce temps...

Les journées sont faites juste de 24 heures et combien j'aimerai qu'elles soient faites de 48 parfois!

Enfin...Je souhaite à tous ces couples que je connais et qui dans quelques semaines vont être unis pour le meilleur et pour le pire à leur moitié...beaucoup de je souhaite à tous les autres tout autant de chance et d'amour...

L'amour ne se cherche pas, il se l'année 2008 bien que touchant bientôt à sa fin, n'est pas encore finie :-)! Ouvrez bien les yeux et surtout vos coeurs!!

I'm spinning around...

Depuis que j'ai repris l'activité sportive en salle, il y en a une qui me plait particulièrement c'est le spinning. Encore appelé biking ou RPM cette activité me permet d'entretenir ma forme physique et de perdre des calories de façons très agréable!

Entraînée par des morceaux dignes d'une soirée dans une boîte, je suis les instructions du professeurs accompagnées d'une vingtaine de personnes au moins qui en demandent toujours plus...aller plus donner à fond...

Cette activité est réputée pour un être un brûleur de calories naturel...joindre l'utile à l'agréable sans avoir à suivre un régime draconien. le spinning permet de tonifier les muscles, d'améliorer notre capacité cardio-respiratoire et de perdre jusqu'à 900 calories par séances...dans la plupart des salles, chaque séance dure 45 se termine par une séance d'étirement afin de relacher les muscles des bras des jambes du dos puisqu'ils sont tous sollicités.

Toute fois si vous venez de reprendre l'activité sportive, ce sport déconseillé...prenez le temps de réhabituer votre corps au sport avant de tenter une sé puis essayez, vous verrez ça vaut vraiment la peine!

Thursday, July 17, 2008


I’ve been on facebook for almost a year now and a lot of guys and girls have wanted me to add them as a friend …and a lot of them still do…even though we have absolutely no friends in common…so far it is something understandable…But I’m not the kind to just add people like to have the longest list of friends…it’s definitely not my point…
When I come to accept such proposal it’s because I feel like getting to know some persons…otherwise I would just ignore from the very beginning and that’s it…

Lately I got a message from a guy who took a picture of his body…thinking he was incredibly sexy with his muscles and his stomach (and it was all the contrary!!) and he asked me if we could get to know each other and that whatever would be my decision that I should at least tell him yes or no…and as a polite person I told him that I wasn’t interested …so he answered me : “sale lesbienne va”…translation : you shitty lesbian…!!! I just couldn’t expect less from such a rude guy…and I am so happy I didn’t accept that invitation…

So I came to wonder : if someone asks to get to know you better and you say “no”…are you automatically a lesbian…is it because we’re women that we have to accept all the possible man that ask us for a date…we’re definitely not that desperate!!

We have the liberty to chose…we have rights…and it has absolutely nothing to do with our sexual orientations…damn, I hate the narrow minded persons…life isn’t just black or white, gay or straight, young or old…

I have been asked out by a bisexual…I’m not into girls but it’s a reason to not get to know that person or treat as shit because she was kind of interested in a threesome or just a twosome with her!!

I have my personal points of views over some things…I am very open minded and such guys reaction, make me laugh, make sad and almost want to cry because It just makes me realise what the truth is : great men are each day fewer and fewer and the chances to find them are lower and lower!!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

My coming back

My blog, my page…I have let you down for months…and I’m so sorry…
Again it’s been all about living the moments or talking about them…sometimes it just seems that I cannot do both…

After my last heartbreak I have had the best that could be given to me : a trip to Madrid…a professional one, but still…a few weeks away…away from boredom, sadness, home and back with friends did me a lot of good…

I even went skiing again…the second time of my life…21 years after my first time…I was so excited and then suddenly so scared and then so courageous and then happy again…a week-end skiing is just sooo short!

My farewell parties were really good as well and sometimes full of surprises, specially when I went with my friends as VIP to a new discotheque…just 2 weeks old…enough time to make it the one of the biggest gay discos in Madrid…it was unexpected, incredible…at first all alone…in a blink of an eye we were surrounded by guys…a lot of guys…only guys…it could have been just a dream place…but they were all gays…so not the right place for the straight single girls that were there…

I was happy to come back home though….happy to see the few friends I have here…see my family, my nephew and ready to fight for a bit of freedom.

I am still as single as the moon…it’s hard to live sometimes… but things happen when we least expect it…I strongly believe in that…
I met a guy at a birthday party…he seemed really interested, gave me his number…so I called and gave him mine…but this guy never did the first step…and since I don’t like waiting like forever…I called….he answered nicely, politely…and he said he really wanted to see me again…but we never did…this situation happened maybe 2 or 3 times…now I’m definitely over the idea…This guy for some reason, can’t keep his promises….so fuck him!

I was supposed to stay in my home country just 2 weeks but my stay got extended…and I got to at least spent some summer weeks here….shortest days, time for naps, some sports and a lot of wedding and engagement parties...and talking of engagement parties, I have been to an incredibly great one…in a home that looked more like a palace than a home…I saw all that money could buy…the power of money…and the princess having her dream come true!!! No words can ever explain what my eyes have seen that night…

And now relaxing…just a few days left before my holidays end…and I hope they are going to end greatly…since I haven’t been sent back to Madrid yet, my Madrilenian friends are coming to me…to visit me, to visit our nice country and beaches…But my grandma is really old, tired and sick and I’m so afraid of losing her…

Some relatives of mine lost members of their family during these last 5 months…a mother, a wife, a cousin, an aunt…Life is short, life is worth living, I just try to be as happy as possible everyday…though it’s really easier said than done!!!

Before ending my coming back with this note, this year seems to be a lucky one for a lot of single girls in my surrounding, friends of mine…have fallen in love, are getting or got engaged and are getting married…all together this year…and I have celebrated my thirtieth birthday…I don’t feel like 30, I’m said to be not looking as a 30 year old girl…but I am and I think I’m actually happy about that…a lot of people told me that this is the best age for women and my life is really going to start now…and I can’t wait to see about that…