Luna's island

Sunday, February 03, 2008

We all have the choice to the lead or follow…

Nelly Furtado said, in her song “Afraid” “We all have the chance to the lead or follow”…I don’t want to follow…follow means that your life is depending constantly on others, on the others'lives and choices!!...damn I’ve always been following…my happiness has always been a consequence of my relationships with others…what they wanted, what they need it, when they did it…!!

A friend of mine wrote on his page “if you can’t change the world, change your world!”…totally right! He’s actually trying to change his and the funny thing is that in a way, I’m depending of his choices!!

But I do intend to change my world!...i don’t how, I don’t know where to start…but I’ll work on that…make my own choices, take my own decisions and let nobody influence me in whatever way!!...

The thing is…I’m not alone in this world and I don’t want to be alone…I do plan my life as if I wasn’t depending on anyone...try to think of a future, the future that I may be spending alone and that I hope I’ll spend with someone I love and loves me back…

But that’s not the point of this note…I just decided to look right in front of me and take steps forward and never look back on the past, just use to not make the same mistakes again…if possible!!

Madonna said, in her song “Secret”, happiness lies in your own hand…I’ve been looking at my hands a lot lately…I just couldn’t see much in it…not even the Turkish map (only someone else and me can get this sentence!!)…and it’s good that I don’t believe fortune tellers because my life signs says I’m gonna die young!...And who knows? Maybe that’s true!!