Luna's island

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

To you...

I want to dedicate some words to you...
I want to write a poem to you...
I need to find my words...

I have to recover my that I can write you something new, something personal, something that only you could understand and appreciate...

You have no price to me....

Never change a single thing in your personality...


Sunday, November 09, 2008

A dream come true

Last september 18th... I made an eternal dream of mine come true : i saw Madonna in concert... Her sticky and Sweet tour took her to the Cheste, near Valencia... I bought my ticket 2 weeks wasn't the cheapest, nor the most expensive and thank God, it wasn't the most expensive because i wouldn't have seen much of the concert...i took the same ticket as some friends of mine i was going to and it turned out to be in the best area, just near the stage, just in front fo my favourite artist ever :-) The story of the trip...i worked that day, it was a thursday...two days earlier she was in Sevilla and the concert was said to be incredible...i just couldn't wait to see it... I took my thursday afternoon and my friday off... I took a taxi to my friend's office...we were waiting there for her husband to come and pick us up...we were going with another person...A funny gay friend... we call him "Housemiga"... We took the road an hour later, direction of Valencia...we stopped on the way in a gas station and kept on till we almost got there...Actually we arrived to a place that was 5 kilometers away from the concert stage, but the police didn't let us go any further... 5 kilometers walking, when you're not to use to walk that's a long way...but we would have done anything for Madonna that day...:-) We walked 2km and a car, and a few cars, coming from i don't know where, we taking the same directions as we hitchhiked... Once there, we found another group of friends, real addicted to Madonna...most of them had seen that concert at least once befor, whether in London, Rome, Nice, Sevilla or 3 of the 4 cities !!! We took the wrong entrance and had to cross a sea of people before arriving next to the stage....just half hour before the concert. Madonna's concert lasts 2 hours...she was right on time at 22h and left acuretely at midnight...and till now if you ask me, i'll tell i still can't believe it... Hard Candy, her last album is really great...Madonna's perfomance was incredible...she's 50 and more in shape than all the 20-30 something people that i know!...And she is really beautiful... I wrote about her...i envied the people that had that chance... My turn came and i was just amazed and incredibly happy, excited ...just like a little girl in front of her first barbie :-) After the concert, the trip back to the car, was long and very tiring...this time, no hitchhiking...5 km walking back to the car...we got dressed in the car and headed to a special Madonna party helded in Sudio 54 in Valencia...Housemiga and co were waiting for us...we had no time to go to the flat we had rent to drop our was 3 am!! At 5 am, the couple and me, were dead tired...the 5 km killed us...and decided to go to that flat...but the owned wouldn't answer the phone...10 phone calls and no answer...and all the hotels were full in Valencia...overbooked for the whole week-end... we had to sleep in the car, because we were two tired to head back to Madrid... And the next day, after a break at Mc Donalds where we changed our clothes, had breakfast...we took the road back to the Spanish capital...with the stars in our eyes...and my dream come true!!!

Saturday, November 08, 2008

De un mundo a otro

Después de 8 meses sin inspiración, palabras y ganas de escribir...
Después de casi 3 meses en Madrid...Estoy de vuelta a Túnez...otra vez mas...

Cuanto tiempo dura un viaje en avión entre Madrid y Túnez me pregunto un amigo mío hace poco...pues menos de dos horas le había contestado con una sonrisa, encantada de que el viaje sea tan corto...

Mi miro y me dijo...en menos de dos horas estarás en un otro mundo...
Y tenia toda la razón...en menos de dos horas estuve en un otro mundo, otro continente, otro ambiente...todo distinto...pero sigo la misma persona...una persona que se acostumbra a un como al otro...

En uno puedo ser quien soy, todo lo que soy...expresarme como quiero...
En el otro...tengo que esconder unos de mis pensamientos, de mi forma de ver las cosas...

Es raro la primera mañana después de un viaje...despertarse y de repente no saber ni donde estamos, ni que día, ni la nada de nada...

He vuelto jueves por la noche..y el viernes por la mañana, aunque fue un día festivo, yo me fui a trabajar...y por la mañana, al despertarme...pensaba que había soñado de los 3 últimos me lo podía ni creer...que todo haya pasado así...tan rápidamente...

Estoy en este mundo con el cuerpo...mi mente esta en el otro...y mi corazón entre dos aguas...ya os hecho de menos :-)