Luna's island

Friday, January 04, 2008


Yep...this is my third post today...i just feel like writing and i hope i won't lose that feeling ;-)
2007 was a pretty low year for me...i've had a lot of problems expressing myself though there were moments in my life i felt like i had so much to talk about...just didn't know where to start...

2007...i'm so happy we got rid of that year...though i experienced a lot of things...i've changed in someway...and i a lot of ups and downs, joy and sadness, tears and laughters...but life is full of that isn't it?

I just decided that this year, no matter what, i was gonna try to never lose that positivity that i have, that smile that's on my face...that will of living and being happy...and of sharing it all...

I missed a lot expressing myself...letting the words come out no matter how...just let it flow...

I have so many hopes and at the same time no real expectation...this is a new year, a new hopes and definitely a new me...

Eventhough i stayed at home on new year's eve baby sitting my love nephew, i dressed up, put some make up on and had as much fun as i could to welcome this new year in the best way :-)

As i was reading my friend's last post a few minutes i chose to have a look on TN-Blogs...the many things have happened over the last many new bloggers, news spaces to's been a while since my last post...but after sometime in this area, one needs to just give it up and breath some air... see something new...

I've been facebooking a lot as it enabled me to be back in touch with people i cared about and to get to know a lot of great people...some i have never met yet...some i dying to just feels so good!

I guess i'm not in position to welcoming the new blogs since they're only "new" for me now...i'm just gonna welcome myself back...and hope this year will bring a lot of great things to talk share with you all...

Hope this new year is gonna be awesome for all of us...

Till the next post...bye bye