Long distance relationships.
I’ve once been involved in a long distance relationship…it worked till a certain point but then some problems came up and no matter how hard we tried…it didn’t work out…still it took us almost 2 years of trying hard….but I believe it just wasn’t meant to be…
Am I ready to live again that kind of relationship…maybe… but not on long terms…I’ve to travel quite often with my job…it’s a choice…it’s great…and so far it’s been only towards one country …it may change…and I really love what I do…but it’s definitely not the best way to build a relationship with someone…something to last…I decided to give the chances to whatever comes up to me and live my life each day without thinking too much (hard to do…but I can handle that sometimes)…
If I’m ever fed up with those circumstances and feel the need to be stay in one place for a while than I’d probably change my job…
Still I’ve wondered quite a lot lately about all this… Many questions ran through my head about the reasons of the break ups in those kind of relationships…”Out of sight, out of mind they say” (Loin des yeux, loin du coeur, dit-on en Français)…Is that true??? NO!! I don’t believe it is!!! NOT AT ALL!!
How to make a long distance relationship work? What are the secrets? Who has tips for that?
I think it can depend on the distance and about how far people are separated from each other…
I think it can depend on how long they’ve been “separated”…
I think it can depend on the relationship itself and about the “phase” the two persons are…if the relationship is rather new, or old or in the middle (all that is very subjective)…
I think it depends of how much the two persons are involved, how much they want it to work…
So, do long distance relationships work out?…Can they work out? I believe they can…maybe not always…but still nothing is impossible…Never say never, right?
The things is to never rely on a defeat…it’s to keep the faith…it’s learn from the mistakes…
Even “close” relationships don’t all work out …so why should all the long distance relationship fail? Is distance really the only problem?
I think that when the mutual feelings are true, real, deep, wanted, no matter the distance, no matter the problems, no matter the obstacles…it can work…they just have to figure that out and face together the reality of life…and I just realised that when something is meant to be than no matter what, it will happen…fate or destiny or whatever the name….
Many stuff can come up, giving hard times to the person involve and bringing the relationship to the edge…whatever the kind or the relationship…
But once on the edge, it takes two to save it or let it blow up and die…
When you’re with someone and then for some reason, one has to go away for a while, would you take the chance to go through all that and live a long distance relationship or would you break up before taking that risk?
What do you think about all this?
6 Reactions:
At 8:00 AM,
Unknown said…
J'ai pas vécu l'experience mais je crois que se voir, se parler, se toucher c'est le bois qui maintient ce feu allumé. En plus, la distance ça diffère: entre des missions et être résident ailleurs. En plus, si les chances d'un regroupement du couple sont faibles, ça crée une sorte de désepoir qui fait qu'on se dit vaut couper maintenant !!!
At 8:01 AM,
Unknown said…
Je connais quand même un couple (marié) et qui sait gérer sa relation à distance (France et Tunisie).
At 5:09 PM,
Anouar said…
Luna: The answer which I choose for you:
The first thing to understand is that a relationship across great distances does not necessarily qualify as a relationship. Let me explain.
If a guy has been dating a girl for two years and she decides to travel across Europe with nothing but a backpack and pocket change, where does this leave the duo? Well, the first thing to do in this situation is to establish some ground rules before she hops on that plane.
The couple must agree on how they will deal with this separation, and even if they will remain a couple at all. If one decides that they cannot be in a long distance relationship, while the other is ready to sacrifice a little for the sake of staying together, then they have a problem on their hands..
There are three basic options when dealing with long distance relationships: the couple can remain faithful to each other; they can date other people and see what happens; or they can call it quits and start dating other people right away.
At 8:58 AM,
Anonymous said…
"Loin des yeux ...loin du coeur"?
Pas tjs Luna!
At 5:22 AM,
Anonymous said…
Félicitations, j'ai adoré tes poèmes. L'amour a distance n'est pas facile, j'en conviens, mais non impossible! J'ai déjà vécu une histoire similaire et il est vrai qu'il est difficile de se remettre... Mais qui peut bien être cet homme qui t'a fait tant d'effet? Bref, ce doit être tout un prince charmant et je te souhaite la meilleure des chances pour retrouver une telle personne... Bravo pour ton poème I miss you, il m'a fait revivre d'intenses émotions du passé... Courage, l'amour gagnera!
At 5:26 AM,
Anonymous said…
Pour répondre à ta question... ce que je pense... c'est qui ne risque rien n'a rien! Pourquoi ne pas essayé et voir ce que la vie vous réserve? Ne risques-tu pas de regretter celui qui te semble si cher? Pour ma part, je suis partie pour une période de près d'un an l'année dernière et mon couple a survécu... Certes, nous avons été mis à rudes épreuves, mais les retrouvailles n'en sont que meilleures! Il faut essayer... Chaque année, je pars pour une période de 2 à 4 mois... c'est une question d'habitude, d'entraînement et de compromis!!! Et beaucoup beaucoup de patience!!!
Bonne chance!
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